My running goal for July is to run a minimum of 55 miles. I am well on my way. Thanks to Independence Day, my office was closed on July 4 and I had an opportunity to go out on a long run. I crave those days. The days when I can set aside 1-2 hours to just BE. Time to BE me. Time to BE free. Time to BE one with nature. Time to BE alone with my thoughts.
My 4th of July run reminded me of a few things I enjoy most about long run days:
- Enjoy the moment. I think I most enjoyed the ability to wear clothes and colors that reflected the day. Red. White. Blue. When you run and release endorphins, you have a longer, more productive run. Wearing running clothes that can make someone else smile, makes a smile. Just like at any other time... when you look good, you feel good! I don't run because I don't have anything better to do with my time. I run because it keeps my emotionally and mentally stable. Find your enjoyment and run with it!
Happy Independence Day 2017
- Run with a goal in mind. I set out to run 10 miles. I took a partner with me and when he heard my goal, he was less than excited. His goal isn't always my goal. That's okay. Even though we didn't finish together, we started together. The simple pleasure of having someone to give you the momentum to push yourself further is sometimes enough for you to excel. Find a partner and work on your goals together. Even if your goals are different, you will still be able to push each other towards greatness.
"Wait, what? How many miles did you say?"
- Set benchmarks. I never would have made my goal if I didn't have a benchmark. After Oliver and I went our separate ways, I still had 5+ miles to complete. Because I had run that route before, I knew where I needed to run to before I could turn around and head towards the finish. Once I got to the church, I knew I was only 3 miles away and I know I can so 3 miles pretty easily. Knowing where I was headed made it easy for me to encourage myself along the way. So, be clear on where you are headed so that you can find inner strength at times when you are feeling weak.
This church is ALWAYS my benchmark!
I am so thankful for the mid-week holiday because I wasn't able to get in any miles for the remaining days. However, Saturday came and I achieved my mile goal for the week. More importantly, I got in some training for the Spartan Super. Yes, at some point between last week and this week, I committed my husband and I to complete the 8-10 mile off course race in North Carolina. So, I needed to work on my upper body strength. Such a great morning! Extra miles plus an added workout.
The monkey bars will NOT defeat ME!!! |
There's are no shortcuts to success. Just do it!
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