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Getting The Mojo Back

On this past Saturday I had a chance to do my first Saturday endurance run with Black Girls Run Jacksonville.

It was such as great experience. No woman was left alone and there were so many paces and levels of walkers and runners. The Ambassadors had so much energy that it was contagious.

I had not run more than 40 minutes in a little over a month so I was nervous but it felt so good to be out there....with a group. I completed my 60-minute run and met my goal of 6 miles.

Once the run was over, I was pumped. When I got home, I started looking at my Nike Run App and realized that I was only halfway to my goal of running 62.13 miles this month. Ut oh.

I did some calculations and decided that I could meet my goal if I ran 3 miles per day for the next ten days. What's 30 minutes? It's nothing. We waste 30 minutes scrolling through Facebook. The least I could do is to commit 30 minutes per day to ME. (How much time to yo commit to yourself daily?)

So the journey began.

2 mile walk on Sunday morning with my hubby. It felt so good walking and talking as I showed him my new neighborhood. The soft rain falling kept a nice breeze. See, health is not always about adding stress to the body. A simple walk can go a long way to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual peace.

Please note that I did not track those miles because I'm determined to only track running miles this month. Did I also mention that my goal is to increase my mileage and decrease my speed? 

I am determined to break 2 hours at the 2018 Zooma Florida Half Marathon. Speaking of which, it's not too late for you to join me. Use code Marquita2018 for a 10% discount.

What I did track are the three miles I ran on Sunday evening. More light rain and great worship music made it so worthwhile.

Monday came and my run was great! Now, I have to tell you that I thought my Sorority sister was trying to kill me by having me run two bridges. My thighs were killing me as I ran the upside of each bridge but...

Oh it felt so good.

See, I believe pain is temporary and serves as a reminder of where we are, what we accomplished, and what still lies ahead of us. 

  • I use my pain to remind me of the inner and physical strength I possess.
  • I use my pain to remind me of the obstacles I am able to overcome.
  • I use my pain to remind me to not become stagnant but to keep pushing forward as I continue to overcome.
I hope you didn't miss that! 😉 Running is more than a physical exercise. It's can be a total life changer!

Speaking of life changes, I sure must be going through one. When I tell you I was completely exhausted on Tuesday evening?! I could not muster up enough energy to change my clothes, let alone go run.

But when I tel you my eyes popped open at 6:22am on Wednesday!

I jumped right up and got to work.

4.10 miles of work done before the work day got the best of me. It felt SOOOO good.

So good that I decided to do it again in the evening. Three more miles ☑ We ended up doing the same two bridge route from Monday. I shaved time from Monday. WhooHoo!!!

Sometimes, when you set your mind to something, you have to have the tenacity to see that thing through to completion. 

It's all about accountability. Sometimes, we need a little push. If that sounds like you, click here to find out about how I can help you stay accountable to your goals this summer. Whether you are here or in another city, I can help. You don't have to fight the good fight alone! 

Overall, my times are dropping as I become more consistent. I have much more work to do but I'm excited to see the end result.

Stay tuned for the May summary.....


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